duminică, 26 iunie 2011

Wait & see.

"- Can you please forget what I've said?
- About her?
- About her, about him, about them..like, all of them.
- You don't really trust me, do you? :)
- It's not that, I mean, in a way, it is. It's just.. I've trusted too many people till now, too easily and I've been screwed up every single time..even by the ones I thought I knew after 2 - 3 years. It's like I never really learn this lesson.
- Chill. I'm not a fake person :). I say what I think. I don't tell you something, and then go and tell the others something completely different.
- ..
- So, don't worry about me. You can trust me. And if you don't believe that right now.. you can wait and see.
- Thanks. It was kinda what i needed to hear.
- Trust me, I am not telling you what you want to hear, I am simply letting you know how it's like.
- Maybe, but i do feel better."

joi, 23 iunie 2011

Pretty much.

"- That guy's annoying.
- Please don't say bad things about him :).
- Why not?
- He used to be my best friend.
- Used to?
- Yep.
- What changed?
- He did.
- How?
- He started being a jerk. Not believing me.. and becoming best fucking friends with the ones we used to laugh about.
- So he's a bitch :)).
- Yeah, pretty much.
- But then..what's the problem?
- I still care. That's the problem."

sâmbătă, 18 iunie 2011

luni, 13 iunie 2011

It's like a penknife in your heart.

"A man of words and not of deeds,
It's like a garden full of weeds.
And when the weeds begin to grow,
It's like a garden full of snow.
And when the snow begins to fall,
It's like a bird upon the fall.
And when the bird away does fly,
It's like a eagle in the sky.
And when the sky begins to roar,
It's like a lion at the door.
And when the door begins to crack,
It's like a stick across you back.
And when your back begins to smart,
It's like a penknife in your heart.
And when your heart begins to bleed,
You're dead and dead and dead indeed."

True, isn't it? I can't say more than that.

P.s. Goodbye, Junior Year of High School. I really do hope it will be less drama next year. I'm way to sick of this bullshits, of evil so-called innocent girls, and fake (best)friends, of all the lying and hurting and back-stabbing and crying. Just.. grow the fuck up :).

duminică, 5 iunie 2011

Deci, da.

And I'm happy. Like, really happy. N-am mai fost asa de muult timp.

Deci, da. Am scapat si de o parte din exaamen, am ramas fascinata de Bucurestiiiii, si m-am distraat asa mult, incat parca am vazut si eu ca apare in sfarsit soarele si pe strada mea (desi, la propriu, m-a prins ploaia).

Firstly, chiar am ramas fascinata. De-abia asteept sa merg acolo. Primu' oras in care m-am simtit si eu in largul meu. Primul oras in care am vazut muulti oameni imbracati total diferit, simtindu-se bine in largul lor, nepasandu-le daca ii vede cineva, nepasandu-i nimanui de fapt, de celalalt. M-am simtit libera. Pentru prima oara - cred - in toata viata mea. Atat de multi, atat de diferiti, atat de.. liberi.

Secondly, it took me some time to realise it, but I'm fine. I can live without you as my friend, I can have fun without you (lots of fun actually), I can breathe and talk and walk and &. So, I still miss you sometimes. Not in some cheesy, let's hold hands and be together forever way. I just miss you. Plain and simple. I miss your presence in my life. I miss you being there for me. I miss my best friend. But I'm fine, because, believe it or not, I'm not alone. I guess, after all, I'm stronger than I thought.

Deci, da. Sunt fericita. Si am de gand sa ma bucur din plin de perioada asta. Pentru ca la mine nu exista happily ever after.