miercuri, 22 august 2012

Parts of myself.

You can't really trust anyone. Not completely , anyway. I mean.. yeah, you can sure try to, but there comes a time when you simply can't do it anymore. There comes a secret you can't tell, a moment you want to keep it to yourself..

You can't really trust anyone. I've tried .. Here I am, standing in front of her, in front of my best friend, since we were in 7th grade, looking at her and not being able to say a word. Needing two beers and one more to say a tiny little part of what happened. And then, happening something else, living completely new emotions and still, not being capable to talk to her.

You can't really trust anyone. You can't give your soul, every part of it, to anyone. No one can really, really understand you. How could they, after all? There is no one who can be on exactly the same page with you. All you can do is tell her some things, him another things and so on. But even if you want to, there will still be a little part of yourself which you will, unconsciously, keep for yourself.

I think.. I think by sharing these little things, their value might decrease. After all, they are important only for you. And besides, no one actually cares..

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